Be a Designer : CU Digitals, Commercial use Digital Graphics Supply Store
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Be a Designer

Thank you for your interest in selling your creations in our store.  Although we are not actively seeking new designers we are always willing to look at seasoned designers who offer creations with a unique design style that does not compete with our other designers and most importantly will spark the interest of our buying customers.  So, it really depends upon what type of designs you have to offer and if we feel that our customers would purchase them. We look for designers who create high quality designs, who are committed to designing by creating and advertising on a regular basis.

We require the following:

-That you become an EXCLUSIVE designer only selling your Commercial use products in our store.  You may sell your personal use products elsewhere but not your CU products.
-That you add at least 3 CU NEW (never seen before) exclusive products to our store each and every month. 
-That you always provide a link to our store or your store area here at whenever posting your CU products previews to your blog, Facebook, Pinterest, personal newsletters in forums or other social media avenues.
-You MUST sell a minimun of 5.00 in gross sales each and every month.

*Please note that we do not accept designers who own or admin for other scrap stores that have commercial use items with multiple designers.

To apply at our store please provide us with the following to:   getcreative (at)  or to  owner (at)

What is your real (legal) name?
What is your designing name?
If you have designed under any other names in the past please list those as well.
Have you ever been part of our store in the past?
Do you create your own CU items, photograph and extract your items or purchase CU4CU products to make your own creations from?
Are you a current customer of CUdigitals?  Which store(s) do you normally shop at when looking for commercial use items to purchase?  What draws you to those stores (please supply links)?
Do you own or co-own any online store(s) that have other designers in it?  If so, please provide all links:
Do you currently have your own store?  If so, please provide a link to it.
Do you currently sell your commercial use products anywhere else on the internet such as other scrap stores, Etsy, blog, Facebook or other online shopping stores?  Please provide links to ALL the places where you sell your commercial use products in.
How many CU products do currently have ready to put into our store to start out (we require a minimum of 35)?
On an average, how many designs do you normally create and add to a store per week or per month?
Do you have a newsletter? If so please supply us with a link to it.
Please tell us how you advertise your products.  How often do you post on your social networking sites?
Please provide a link to your blog:
Please provide a link to your Facebook:
Please provide a link to your Pinterest:

We look for designers who are actively designing and are committed to advertising your products in our store.  If you want to join our store you must agree to make selling your commercial use products with us a top priority. It is fine if you sell in a few other stores however, we do not want to be just another store where your products can be found.  

Is this something you are willing to commit to?

If so then please create one or two zip files that contain your BEST products and zip them up EXACTLY how you would be uploading to our store.   Keeping that in mind that we do not allow any references or url links to any outside website's on designer product previews, within the product description, within your TOU or in the product zip files. We need to check the quality of your work and see how you name and package your products.  

We look forward to seeing what you have to offer our customers!

Thank you for your application!  


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