TOU - D's DesignsD's (Doudou) Design Commercial Use TOU
© D's Design (All rights reserved) Commercial Terms of Use - User License By using commercial products from D's Design , you are agreeing to the terms of use below, so please read them fully. You may not resell my products in their original design individually. You may not use these commercial use products to make other commercial use products. When creating Quick Pages e Digital Photobooks the final product needs to be saved as .png or .jpg format with no individual layers or elements files. You may not create a pack or kit with commercial products only. My commercial products should be 30 or 35% maximum of a kit. You may not use my graphics on illegal websites or publications. You may not desature or alter any of my graphics to Gray Scale to resell them as Templates. You may alter size, colors, etc… as you need. You may not offer any of these graphics on any webpage for download, send them through a list such as a news or Yahoo group, Google Groups, Communities on the internet any graphics collection either on the internet or otherwise. You may create S4H and/or S4O kits with my commercial use products. ALL MY CU PACKS CAN BE USE TO CREATE FREEBIES KITS |