TOU - StrawberryDesignCommercial Use - Term of Use Credits is not required but woul be appreciated pleae supply a link back to:
You may: - use products incorporated into your designs to create scrapkits,
- use samples created with Strawberry Designs - use the graphics in your web side designs but credit me please (graphic by Strawberry Designs) No indencent websites will be tolerated, - alter these elements (recolor, add pattern etc.).
- offer download of rhe kits/graphics in any way shape or form, distribute any graphicks in any format except for the uses defined above, - unless noted for Commercial Use, you mey not make into apha product, - print or have printed any of the original graphics, papers or kit pieces to sell in stores on webside or on eBay, etsy etc,. - share thesee files with friends, family, etc.. Please feel free to direct them to the store, - sell these graphics through any means in their purchased format, you may not use any of our work for obscene, defamatory or immoral purposes.